

*Mrs Tanuja Trivedi,Delhi

We almost gave up. Thank you for curing PCOD. We are parents of a healthy baby girl.

*Mrs Kusum Rawat, Pune

I would recommend Dr Dipika Singh for any woman suffering from PCOS. I found the website to be full of important information. I received my order shortly after ordering it. The brochure that was sent to me was very helpful in expanding my knowledge about PCOS and why proper diet is so important. I found out I was pregnant two months after being on the homeoepathic treatment. This was the best news I have ever received!

*Mrs Minakshi Singh, Kanpur

“Thanks so much for curing my PCOD. After being on homeopathy for four months I conceived. Before that, I had been trying for a year but failed.”

*Mrs. Madhu Gupta, Lucknow

I started the homeopathic treatment in early June 2015 after reading about you on the Internet and by the end of December, I was pregnant. I am just thrilled I have been so lucky and don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t discovered you and I want to thank you all very much for helping me achieve my wish.”